Yabancı Linkler (İngilizce)
With Applications in Computer Science, by Stasys Jukna. Preface, contents, errata.
29 April, 2002
The lengths of the shortest known Golomb rulers for up to 150 marks. The values for 23 marks or less are known to be...
29 April, 2002
Web Site devoted to the search for Golomb Rulers of 20 and 21 marks.
29 April, 2002
Home page for The CRC Handbook of Combinatorial Designs (ISBN: 0-8493-8948-8). Contains errata, new results.
29 April, 2002
Personal home pages of combinatorialists, graph theorists, and others with an interest in discrete mathematics.
29 April, 2002
Upper and lower bounds on the minimum size of a covering design, i.e., for a set with v elements, the minimum number...
29 April, 2002
Leonard Soicher reports on new SOMAs and new information on SOMAs, which are generalisations of mutually orthogonal...
29 April, 2002