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Eylem Grupları

Call for boycott of the eBay online auction company.
23 April, 2002
In 1999, Swatch tried to use ham radio bands for advertising in violation of ITU rules via satellite. Amateur radio...
23 April, 2002
Call to action supported by over 50 peace groups. Information on issues, mobilization, and how to participate....
23 April, 2002
Online activist magazine dedicated to building a broad movement against the root of war: globalization. News,...
23 April, 2002
Campaigning against nuclear weapons and war. Information on events, groups participating, action campaigns, and news.
23 April, 2002
Gives students of all ages the excitement of exchanging peace messages--through their artwork--with students in other...
23 April, 2002
Educational organization that works to sustain a culture that honors diversity and celebrates community; that...
23 April, 2002
Nichidatsu Fujii and the continuing work of his Buddhist order in building peace pagodas, walking for peace, and...
23 April, 2002
A cooperative of people in Portugal whose goal is the development of a healing biotope, where several hundred people...
23 April, 2002
Engaging communities in collaborative activities to promote peace, non-violence and tolerance.
23 April, 2002
Together we explore nonviolence, foster community, work to end war, promote communication & take initiatives on...
23 April, 2002
An activist media project. Resources for those opposing war including articles, links, tactics and materials.
23 April, 2002
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