Araştırma, Basvuru, Dernekler
Bu Dizindeki Site Sayısı: 743
Swiss National Library. An extensive collection of some 3.5 million items dating from the 17th century.
25 Nisan, 2002
(Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru )Books, maps, manuscripts, archives, bibliography, pictures, and photographs dealing...
25 Nisan, 2002
Official depository of the United Kingdom and one the largest research institutions in the world. Maintains...
25 Nisan, 2002
Part of the United States Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service, the NAL serves as the nation's...
25 Nisan, 2002
Sponsored by the National Institutes of Health; offers access to consumer, patient, and physician information,...
25 Nisan, 2002
The largest public philatelic library in the United States, with many of philately's classic periodicals, catalogs,...
25 Nisan, 2002
Largest collection of books on furniture, home furnishings styles and interior design in the world. Over 8,000...
25 Nisan, 2002
Located in the American University (Washington, DC) Washington College of Law, the only library-museum dedicated to...
25 Nisan, 2002
Collections in mathematics, physics, and technology, and works by and about Ukrainians and the Ukraine Diaspora....
25 Nisan, 2002