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Bu Dizindeki Site Sayısı: 397
Hypatia is a directory of research workers in Computer Science and Pure Mathematics, and a library of their papers.
28 Nisan, 2002
Biographies of famous mathematicians, indexed alphabetically and chronologically. Part of MacTutor History of...
28 Nisan, 2002
Mathematicians are ones who have studied pi, have used pi in their work or were chosen by students for personal reasons.
28 Nisan, 2002
A site giving brief biographies for virtually every important mathematician in history.
28 Nisan, 2002
Accounts of their lives and works, adapted from A Short Account of the History of Mathematics by W. W. Rouse Ball.
28 Nisan, 2002
Aims to list information about everyone who has earned a doctorate in mathematics during the 20th century. This will...
28 Nisan, 2002